Avast Secure Browser Review

Disclosure: This article is made possible by Avast. However, the opinions that are expressed herein are those of the author, and not necessarily the opinions of CNET.

The avast Secure Browser Review one of the browsers that puts the highest importance on privacy and security, with features like Bank Mode and Anti-Tracking Technology. It comes with an inbuilt VPN that allows you to stay safe and get online quickly. It is based on Chromium and, therefore, operates and looks exactly like Chrome and also supports Chrome extensions as well as its own security-focused extensions.

Avast Secure Browser comes with a wide variety of privacy and security extensions already installed with ads blockers as well as an anti-phishing extension. one for anti-tracking, a fingerprint disguise feature, HTTPS encryption support, extension guard, password manager and even the ability to double-check your credentials on websites such as HaveIBeenPwned. All these extensions are available in the browser’s Security & Privacy Center. You can also customize each extension individually based on your preferences.

The adblocker’s functionality is robust and can be set to block most ads. It also blocks flash files, which helps pages load faster. The browser can detect phishing websites and warn you of any scams. However it is not as powerful than Google’s Scam Alert.

The browser claims to “track proof,” which is just an euphemism for the Do Not Track standard. This standard isn’t quite as strong as it could be. The anti-fingerprinting capabilities of the browser are also limited and only scramble part of your user agent string.

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